Getting Started - How to Buy & How to Sell

1. Get a Wallet and Connect

You will need a crypto wallet to use GrowCloner. Currently, MetaMask is the only supported platform for connecting.

With MetaMask installed and a wallet setup, click the “Connect Wallet” button at the top of the page. Sign the permission that pops up from Metamask that says “See address, account balance, activity and suggest transactions to approve” by clicking Sign/Connect in your wallet. You are now logged in to GrowCloner.

2. Purchase USDC & ETH

Please note: all of our transactions take place on the Ethereum network. Tokens from other networks will not work. You must have USDC in your wallet to make a purchase on GrowCloner, as well as a small amount of ETH to cover network fees.

Start by purchasing USDC on the Ethereum network from an exchange - we recommend Coinbase or Kraken. Next, purchase a small amount of Ethereum (ETH) to cover network fees. A minimum of $20 USD in ETH should be sufficient for your purchase.

Once purchased, send your USDC and ETH to the wallet you set up in Step 1. This will require two separate transactions: one transaction sending USDC from the exchange to your wallet, and another sending ETH from the exchange to your wallet.

WARNING: Make sure you are sending your tokens to the correct and valid Ethereum address.

3. Shop on GrowCloner

The experience is similar to shopping online. Add products to your cart and proceed through the checkout process, filling out shipping information and an optional email for order updates.

To complete payment on the checkout page, click “Complete Payment”. You will be prompted to approve a spending limit of USDC on the GrowCloner market, click “default” to approve only the amount for this order. Once the approval transaction is complete, you will be prompted to finalize the order by interacting with the contract address 0xBe2B3A004204245812739B29a21dCD9C0b5CE7c3. Ensure you are interacting with this address and submit the transaction. Once approved, your order is complete. If there is more than one vendor in your order, each vendor will receive their own payment. If this is the case, you will be automatically prompted to send a payment to each vendor.

Become a Vendor

1. Request to Become a Vendor

With a wallet setup and connected as described in the previous section, head to to request to become a vendor. Once approved this page will display your current listings, pending and complete orders. Vendors are charged a fixed % fee on each customer order, currently 5%.

2. List Your Products

After your vendor status is confirmed, you can start listing your products. Navigate to 'Sell' and click on 'Add Clone'. Fill in all the necessary information about the product, including its name, description (as a period separated list), price (in USDC), and quantity in stock.

Once you've submitted your product, it is automatically listed on the marketplace and available for purchase by all users on GrowCloner.

3. Withdraw Payments

As a vendor on GrowCloner, you have the ability to withdraw customer payments directly from the smart contract.

  1. Navigate to your Account page
  2. Click on the "Withdraw Balance" button. This will prompt a transaction in your MetaMask wallet.
  3. Approve the transaction in MetaMask to withdraw your available USDC balance.
  4. The USDC will then be transferred to your connected wallet.

Please note that your balance includes all successful transactions that have been finalized and cleared on the Ethereum network. The withdraw action incurs standard Ethereum network transaction fees (gas).